Wingslist Particulars

Wingslist provides listings that include Commercial and Regional Aircraft, Rotorcraft, Engines, Engine Stands, Landing Gear, APUs, Nacelles, and Miscellaneous related items.
You are free to view all available listings. You are only able to add, remove, or edit listings as a subscriber.
Certainly you can. After you create an account and purchase a subscription, navigate to your account page and click on "Apply vendor" button.
Each listing has contact information with the seller’s email and phone number.

Managing Your Listings

Navigate to my account page and from there click on Vendor dashboard button. You will be redirected to the backend page from where you can add new listings.
After you write the title of your listing you can skip the Description field and continue populating text area labels. Depending on the chosen category, certain fields will be available to complete. Not all fields are mandatory, but it will be helpful to populate as much data as you can.
Similar to adding a new listing, navigate to your Vendor backend page. From your listings page, select the listing that you would like to change and click on Edit. Make your changes and press Publish.
If your item is no longer available and you would like to remove it, you have two options: either to delete the item completely or to mark it as "Out of stock" if you would like to reuse it later. To perform this action, you need to navigate again to your backend page, select the listing, and then based on your preferences click on Delete or navigate on the bottom of the product page and mark it as "Out of stock".
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